CI Hex Viewer is not just a regular hex viewer. Besides the fact that it can edit binary data, it is also able to read/alter raw disk data by either opening the contents of a certain partition or an entire disk. This allows you to process what is called low-level data (the basic building blocks of disk information, binary data shown in hexadecimal format).
Evidently, this tool is for advanced users. Yet, precautionary methods are employed. For example, every time you open a file, disk partition or disk image, the program automatically enables the read only mode to prevent accidental changes.
Even though this utility is aimed at professionals, it doesn’t have complex features. Nonetheless, all the elementary tools that are needed for hex editing are included and work very well (e.g. search tools, the ability to go to specific addresses or mark them, a simple data interpretation tool and so on).
Although this piece of software is well-made, there’s a small issue that constitutes a major flaw in my opinion. If you click a character in the right panel (where the character view is displayed) the corresponding hex value is automatically highlighted in the left panel with a shade of gray that is very hard to notice. Considering that when working with a hex editor you often need to find these correspondences, the terrible lack of contrast can easily make you lose valuable time and also irritate you (thus resulting in lack of concentration and decreased productivity). more